Our Values

Working at MSD: together we create a more hopeful future


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At MSD we invent for life, for a more hopeful future. All our employees, both inside and outside of the laboratory have one thing in common: the desire to improve and save lives through continuous innovation. Discover more about the values and beliefs that motivate us.

To live life in full colours

We know that life can surprise you, sometimes for good, and sometimes for worse when your health is threatened. We want to be there for you during those difficult moments in your life. Or better yet, to prevent those moments from happening. We invent and innovate, so that you can live life to the fullest. That’s what motivates us.

We see possibilities

We approach each project as a white canvas. There are no restraints, only possibilities. We face challenges as they come and rely on integrity, knowledge, imagination, skill and teamwork to find a solution.

Together we fight diseases such as cancer, HIV and Ebola, develop vaccines and invent new medicine. We have been doing this for over 130 years and will continue to challenge ourselves to stay at the forefront of research to prevent and treat disease that threaten people and animals.

4 values to guide us

No matter what challenge we face, our actions and decisions are always guided by four values that represent the very core of our character:

  • Patients first: All of our actions must be measured against our responsibility to those who use or need our products;
  • Respect for people: We work to create an environment of mutual respect, inclusion and accountability. We reward commitment and performance and are responsive to the needs of our employees and their families;
  • Ethics and integrity: We are committed to the highest standards of ethics and integrity. We do not take professional or ethical shortcuts. Our interactions with all segments of society must be transparent and reflect these high standards.
  • Innovation and scientific excellence: Our research is guided by a commitment to improving health and the quality of life. We strive to identify the most critical needs of patients and customers, and through continuous innovation we challenge ourselves to meet those needs.